International Housing Finance Policy and Analyses Services for HUD
Educate emerging housing market countries on US housing and housing finance policies
Model Validation of FHFA Mortgage Analytical Platform
Replicate the FHFA Mortgage Analytical Platform (FMAP)
Fair Lending Review of 2 Leading AUSs
Review and analysis of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s AUSs for “disparate treatment or impact” on protected classes
Statistical Analysis for Fair Housing and EO Compliance
Statistical investigation of fair housing and equal opportunity compliance of individual lenders
Mortgage Credit Risk Regulation for a Foreign Private Insurance Company
Assist foreign private insurance company in researching its exposure to risk-based capital requirements
White Paper: “Mortgage Securitization – Lessons for Emerging Markets”
Research potential benefits of a secondary mortgage market for Ginnie Mae
White Paper: “Evolution of the US Housing Finance System: A Historical Survey and Lessons for Emerging Mortgage Markets”
Research the evolution of US housing finance system and compare with other emerging mortgage markets
White Paper: “The Measurement and Management of Mortgage Credit Risk in the US”
Research US methods of managing default risk in comparison with other emerging mortgage markets